Тестовое задание:
We are testing: PHP, MySQL, regular expressions, programming techniques
1. Create simple user registration system. User information should include name, password, and date
of birth. User should be able to change own registration details.
2. Create grabber of horoscopes from one of existing sites (for example, rambler.ru). Grabbed data
should be cached in the database (i.e. each unique horoscope should be grabbed only once).
3. User should view his horoscope for current day immediately after login
4. Create daily subscription for horoscopes. User should be able to select any number of zodiac signs
to get daily email with horoscopes
Special bonuses:
- Usage of Smarty templates (smarty.php.net);
- Usage of the ADOdb library (adodb.sourceforge.net);
- Safe and secure code
- Code documentation.